For Automated Extraction of Total RNA from Whole Blood, Cultured Cells, and Tissues

MagCore® triXact RNA kit is specially designed to extract total RNA (including genomic, mitochondrial, and viral RNA) from the three most common sample types in diagnostics, research, and forensics: up to 1 x 106 cultured cells, a variety of tissues, or whole blood samples. Our program provides optional DNase I treatment to remove residual DNA and extract high quality DNA-free RNA. Make use of its outstanding performance, efficiency, plus easy-to-follow protocols to simplify your every day extraction!

Code 631 MagCore® triXact RNA Kit

1. Excellent RNA Yield and Purity shown in both A260/A280 ratio and RIN value
2. Highly efficienct and user-friendly protocol with minimal pretreatment required
3. Capable of isolating RNA from 3 types of samples: Cells, Whole blood, Tissues
4. Optional DNase I treatment to remove residual DNA


MagCore® automated extraction systems allow processing multiple sample types in the same run, including:

  1. Whole Blood: Fresh or frozen whole blood
  2. Cultured Cells: Cell suspension or Cells grown in a monolayer
  3. Tissues: Fresh or frozen human and animal tissues

Purified DNA available for direct usage in downstream applications, such as:

  1. RT-PCR and real-time quantitative PCR
  2. Northern Blot
  3. cDNA synthesis
  4. Genotyping
  • 631-1

    Table 1. Comparison of RNA extraction performance of MagCore® triXact RNA Kit and 3 other well-known brands. Each sample contained 1 x 106 Hela Cells. It is shown that the RNA extracted by MagCore® has overall a higher yield than other brands in results obtained from Nanodrop N-1000.
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    Figure 1. Gel electrophoresis of RNA isolated by MagCore® triXact RNA Kit and other 3 well-known brands. Each sample contained 1 x 106 Hela Cells. Lane M: Sharp DNA Ladder Markers 100 bp from RBC Bioscience; Lane 1-3: Brand Q RNA Kit; Lane 4-6: Brand Z RNA Kit; Lane 7-9: MagCore® triXact RNA Kit ; Lane 10-12: Brand M RNA Kit.
  • 631-3

    Figure 2. RIN value of RNA from 1 x 106 Hela Cells extracted by MagCore® triXact RNA Kit. Results are obtained from Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100. The high purity of RNA is reflected by the sharp shape of the peaks and RNA integrity by the high RIN value.
  • 631-4

    Figure 3. Comparison of whole blood RNA yield extracted from MagCore® triXact RNA Kit and 3 other well-known brands. Each sample consists of 400ul of human whole blood from one healthy individual. Triplicates of samples were tested for each product. Results obtained from Nanodrop N-1000 showed that MagCore® has a significantly higher yield on average.
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    Table 2. Comparison of whole blood RNA extraction performance of Magcore® triXact RNA Kit and 3 other well-known brands. Each sample consists of 400ul human whole blood from one healthy individual. Results obtained from Nanodrop N-1000 showed that RNA from MagCore® triXact RNA Kit was higher in yield and purity on average.
  • 631-6

    Table 3. Analysis of extraction efficiency of Whole blood RNA collected with different anticoagulants. Whole blood samples of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 ml were collected with EDTA, Lithium Heparin, Sodium Citrate 3.2%, or BD Vacutainer ACD Solution A. Results from Nanodrop N-1000 showed a stable increase of yield with sample volume and consistent A260/A280 ratio across different sample volumes.
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    Figure 4A. Comparison of Tissue RNA extraction performance of MagCore® triXact RNA Kit, Brand Q and Brand M. Each sample consisted of 30 mg of Fish Tissue. Results from Nanodrop N-1000 showed that MagCore® triXact RNA Kit had a higher yield on average, with or without DNase I treatment.
  • 631-8

    Figure 4B. Comparison of Tissue RNA extraction performance of MagCore® triXact RNA Kit, Brand Q and Brand M. Each sample consisted of 30 mg of Fish Tissue. Results from Nanodrop N-1000 showed that MagCore® triXact RNA Kit had a higher A260/A280 on average, reflecting high RNA purity in consistent and reproducible results.
MagCore® Super/HF16 Plus
Cartridge Code24 Preps72 PrepsRunning Time
Cat No.Cat No.
631MRX-01MRX-0348 mins (without DNase I treatment)
81 mins (with DNase I treatment)
sample volume: 400µl; optical detection not recommended


Components Available for Purchase
ProductCat No.Content
Proteinase K SetPK01111 mg Proteinase K, 1.25 ml PK Storage Buffer
DNase I SetDN036For 36 preps *RNase-free DNase I: 1500 Kunitz units *1 vial; 1ml RNase-free water *1; 15ml DNase I Reaction Buffer
DN096For 96 preps (RNase-free Dnase I: 1500 Kunitz units *2 vials; 1ml RNase-free water *2; 30ml DNase I Reaction Buffer)